Sunday, May 2, 2010


Durarara!! has resuscitated an otherwise comatose few months of anime. It provided mystery, intrigue, excitement, action, all grounded with substantial characters that drove each episode in their own ways.

In the beginning, there is a lot of flipping around to different storylines and the questions just start piling up. What is this chatroom about? Whoa, what's going on here? Who are all these people? Okay, what's this high schooler's story? Now we are following these other people? This guy is dangerous. This other guy's even more dangerous.

Later on my thoughts were all about connecting the dots, and it just seems to get better from there. Characters start to shine, layers of story fall together creating the big picture, you get interested in what's going to happen in the next episode. And the realization that you now know the large number of characters in the opening theme.

Does it get boring after that? Don't worry, there is a new opening theme later on, with plenty of new faces to shake every character's world a little.

If you've seen Baccano, just be pleased that you are being treated to second serving from the same group. If you've seen anime, listen closely for some fun references from the otaku characters. If you are a restless high schooler looking for the something that will change your can live through Mikado.

Favorite characters so far are the smooth-talking best friend and the bursting-with-emotion black rider. But there are still quite a few mysteries, and a few new ones introduced in the mix. I can count on this anime to give things a little spin.

Watch 2 or 3 episodes, so it can set the roots for this anime that has fun waiting behind every turn, before you decide to run with Durarara!!!.

I really like the ending theme, so I might put that in the sidebar soon.


  • Baccano >> obvious must if you like intertangled stories of a dozen characters colliding and congealing with a splashy violent jazz era backdrop
  • Black Lagoon >>...organized gangs bump shoulders in a city full of criminals with comedic violence in chaotic finishes
Video Sample:

Do you plan to watch Durarara!!?

See the description for Durarara!!! on >>


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